Interactive Experience


The concept for Read With Me was inspired by my frequent business trips and the desire I had to connect with my daughter while traveling through our favorite activity, reading time. After research, there wasn’t an adequate product in the market that created the level of engagement I desired and I felt this was a problem worth solving. And, I found I wasn’t alone. With over 61% of moms working, parents traveling and families scattered across the globe, children are missing relationship and reading opportunities. Story time is critical to a child’s development of a strong literacy foundation and the experience should be fun no matter where you are in the world.




Read With Me was created as part of my graduate work for Savannah College of Art and Design. It is an interactive platform that connects kids and loved ones together while creating a real-time storybook reading experience. The unique benefits of this platform is the integration of privacy features, video chat, recording, content and business model. The platform is currently in a beta proto-type for sales purposes only and is under consideration for further development.

Tactics included: Branding, interface design and development, sales tools, online video content, micro-site, marketing strategy, business plan and keynote presentation.



Project: Microsite Sales Tool


The brand experience for Read With Me includes the following features:

Video chat interactive book reading sessions
Allows for two users to read a book together from two different computers or devices.

Recorded interactive book reading sessions
Allows for the video chat to be recorded or for the user to record themselves reading the book.

Literary favorites available for interactive experience
Featured books would allow parents to purchase loved children’s books.

Up and coming children’s books available for interactive experience
Site will accept unpublished authors to allow parents access to the latest in children’s literature.

Parent controlled accounts for kids
Site allows for parents to control their child’s account library, friend list and book money allowance.

Customized themes for profile pages
Site allows for users to customize their profile page with 5 different themes.

No monthly fees
Site allows for users to use a pay-as-you-go model (buying books one at a time) or loading their account with a book allowance.


Read With Me was selected as a featured project by Savannah College of Art and Design. The opportunity allowed me to present my project to potential investors to launch the platform. The project is currently under consideration by an interactive digital agency for development.

Role: Researcher, Strategist, Creative Director, UI Designer, Graphic Designer and Programmer.
Graduate Work: Savannah College of Art and Design